Visual programming tools
Little collection of visual programming tools. Check the wikipedia page on Visual programming language for more references.
Sequential-block | scratch like
The most known one.
Sample screenshots of Scratch 3 programs on with horizontal and vertical blocks
The most common base to build other ones (like Scratch).
!Screenshot of sample Blockly program
Sample screenshot of Blockly program
Blockly-based language for robots programming.
!Sample BitBloq programming environment
Sample BitBloq programming environment
Data-flow | node-red like
Well-known home automation tool.
!Screenshot of a node-red program
Screenshot of a node-red program
Conceptually similar to node-red, but different considerations in regards to UX. Read Xible's author comment on this.
!Screenshot of a sample Xible program
Screenshot of a sample Xible program
A WYSIWYG language for data processing.
!Screenshot of example luna program
Screenshot of example luna program
Hybrid visual/text programming. With a long story. Core doesn't look like it's open.
!Screenshot of vvvv's hybrid development environment
vvvv Hybrid development environment screenshot
Component connections
A visual programming language for microcontrollers.